Logistics is all about human intelligence people taking charge of a blizzard of facts and figures The Institute’s identity captures this while at the same time reinforcing the Institutes mission to build a network across the world based on knowledge.”

The folks at 20-20 Vision Design Group were burning the midnight oil when they came up with a secret weapon: Logistics Man. “We realized that logistics was all about human intelligence people taking charge of a blizzard of facts and figures. So this diving, or dancing, or exultant figure had to be right there in the logo.”
Speed and grace Look closely: he faces screen right, his head the dot at the opening of the G, his body extending around its circumference, leaving a “trail” suggesting both speed and grace.


“In the end, it was an old-fashioned, pencil-and-drawing-pad moment,” Diarmuid laughed, “but we finally felt we’d cracked it.” He can also be read in reverse: as a “tugging” figure facing screen left, leaning back to pull some massive, invisible weight. Neatly enough, this simple, schematic figure suggests all three Global Institute of Logistics initials: the G, a dotted “i” and a ghosted “L” suggested by the strong horizontal stroke.


“We preserved this focus on the human when we designed the opening animation,” Scollard explains. “We start with a blizzard of figures, and it is a human hand ?not a machine or a computer ?that points, indicates, and calls that chaos to order.” Scollard and his colleague David Park built up the sequence from stock footage and original material. They then called in award-winning director Ken Wardrop, of Dublin-based Venom productions, to colorize it and add a soundscape. Wardrop in turn hired freelance sound designer David Turpin, who created a sequence suggesting both factory noises and the harmony that comes from order. Editor Andrew Freeman completed the team, creating “shock cuts” between slow sequences and fast, and variety in pacing and light.


“It’s fascinating that the designers came to the same conclusions about logistics that we did,” said Institute CEO Kieran Ring. “Human intelligence will solve most of our production glitches and delivery problems. Yes, it’s about machines and computers, but they are only, in the end, a product of human intelligence. The entire sequence is a kind of visual parable for the triumph of the human spirit.”